*New* July 10th, 2020 Friday Class Online! Compassion- the back and front of the Heart chakra
Our Friday Class series has gone online! Our April workshop on "distance" energy methods was such a great success that we are continuing this new tradition in our upcoming Friday classes.
We are doing a three part series for May, June and an added July class. Each will be on the back and front aspects of the upper chakras as how they enhance our work whether we are physically present or working through distance and other media of contact.
- For May we will be working with Pathways teachings on the back aspect of the 5th chakra. Development of this has a big impact on our ability to generate a palpable energetic presence in distance energy methods and in technology based meetings with clients, friends and (even) family.
- For June we will work with the back and front of the 6th chakra, our link to the Creative.
- For July we will work with the back and front of the 4th or Heart chakra as it integrates and translates our energetic consiousness into physical existence.
We will be working with energy meditations, live demonstrations of these practices with a client and through breakout practice sessions with fellow participants.
This class is open to new and experienced students.
Time: 12 noon-4pm
Location: Everywhere! After registering for the class we will send you a Zoom link and instructions.