Sustainable Change: Expanding the Energy Matrix WEEKEND Workshop

Apr 20 2013 10:00 am
Apr 21 2013 5:00 pm
Jim Kepner & Carol DeSanto
Price: $295.00


NSEW emerged from our quest to cultivate for our clients a deeper and more sustained change amidst the challenges of illness, treatment and stress. In the course of this quest we discovered the importance of the nervous system for building energy, for maintaining the coherency of the auric field and for making more palpable results. As we have continued this quest a new appreciation of the Energy Matrix has emerged. The Energy Matrix is the exquisite and delicate dimension of exchange between the physical body and the energetic field. 

Join us in exploring this frontier of energy work through:
- Fostering the quiet that allows us to open into the dimension of the Energy Matrix.
- Reducing inner noise through soothing the amygdala and fostering coherency in the brain.
- Connecting with the Energy Matrix in a way that sustains tissue and life force.
- Building both a greater volume of accessible energy and greater range of energy frequencies.
- Bringing to fruition the Quest of the Ages.

Well, maybe just a tiny bit of the last one! As always, we will have a great time exploring these energies, with great people doing great work.


If you are anxious to know more about our process of selecting topics, click this link for more...The Real Story!

Jim's house: 3372 Clayton Blvd, Shaker Hts., OH 44120 Map

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