Audio by genre meditation

Resting Into the Heart of God Back Loop- Part I

This is a luxurious version of this essential meditation, so central to our spiritual approach, which opens the "back loop" of the heart center figure eight. Guided by Carol at a recent workshop.

11:17 minutes (10.33 MB)

Heart of God back loop Part II

Continuation of the meditation from Part I

11:28 minutes (10.49 MB)

Opening to More Energy: the Coosh Imagery

Energy field of the "coosh" fibers

6:02 minutes (11.05 MB)

!Lourdes Quiroz Kepner - !Descansando en el corazón de Dios-Español

Versión en español de esta maravillosa <

16.64 MB

Heart Balance Meditation

We've got audio!

Carol guides this short version of the meditation to balance the polarities of the heart center from a workshop.

6:45 minutes (6.33 MB)

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