Our Inner Temple Program workshops are specially focused on spiritual development
Our Inner Temple Program workshops are specially focused on spiritual development
Becoming more spacious in our energy, in our awareness and in our hands-on work allows us:
Becoming more spacious in our energy, in our awareness and in our hands-on work allows us:
Our classes teach principles and practices of our hands-on energy methods, including Nervous System Energy
Our Inner Temple Program workshops are specially focused on spiritual development and expansion of ones
Our Inner Temple Program workshops are specially focused on spiritual development and expansion of ones
This workshop will develop and extend practices of feeding and return flow in the nerve matrix and peripheral nerves which enhances the exchange of energy between the ner
This workshop will develop and extend practices of feeding and return flow in the nerve matrix and peripheral nerves which enhances the exchange of energy between the ner
FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL FEE ONLY: includes full meal plan
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