The Radiant Energy of Wholeness: Spring 2010 Weekend Workshop

Apr 24 2010 7:00 am
Apr 25 2010 2:00 pm
Carol DeSanto & Jim Kepner
Price: $290.00


Work with subtle energy highlights the intrinsic interconnection of all levels of
our being: from the densest bone to the finest aspects of the energy field;
all webbed together by the nervous system and energy centers. The higher principle of Congruence acts through this interconnected web to foster alignment across levels. This results in greater quality of wholeness that generates radiance and health. The principle of Congruence governs the alignment between our thoughts, feelings, actions, and tissues so that energy can flow throughout.


The energy worker holding the principle of Congruence can sense what needs alignment so we can support our clients to draw on their own sense of Congruence and truth. We find this by being anchored in our own "Inner Temple."


You will learn:

  • A model for wholeness used from ancient times to guide your practice.
  • To recognize and align with the higher principles of Congruence and Interconnection and to foster these principles for others.
  • The flow of the figure eight between the 1st and 7th chakra that weaves the interconnection between the physical and spiritual dimensions of our being.
  • To use the principle of Congruence to sense for ways to generate better alignment between levels and foster wholeness and radiance.


Date: April 24 & 25, 2010

Times: 10am-5pm Saturday and Sunday

Location: Held at Star Institute, 25901 Emery Road
Warrensville Heights, OH 44128 Map


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