The Radiance of Energy, Body and Consciousness: ESALEN, Big Sur California-

May 3 2015 7:00 pm
May 8 2015 11:00 am
Carol Desanto & Jim Kepner
Price: $0.00

For Sign Up Contact:Esalen On Line Catalogue Link

Call us toll-free in the US: 1-888-8-ESALEN (888-837-2536). International callers may call our international toll free line: 703-342-0500.

“By working with the subtle energy systems present in the human body, we foster awareness from the densest bone to the finest aspects of the energy field,” write Jim Kepner and Carol DeSanto. “The nervous system is a magnificent network for distributing healing energy throughout the body, and for interconnecting our consciousness with our lived experience. This fascinating work opens new doors to healers, spiritual practitioners, and health professionals to build clear body and energy awareness.”  

This workshop helps participants sense subtle energies, the chakras, and the auric field, and invites understanding of the nervous system as a system of energy. Through active, hands-on exercises, spiritual principles, demonstrations, practice, and supervision, participants will be taught many aspects of energy healing, including the following:

· Energy methods to clear the nervous system and promote the integration of body, mind, emotions, and spirit

· Methods to access the central, autonomic, and peripheral components of the nervous system

· Ways to identify the energetic texture and feel of the nervous system for healing

· Practices to understand the way subtle energies affect the neuroendocrine system responsible for body cycles, sleep, and mood

· Ways that energy work is used to build and cleanse organs and tissues and clear trauma from the body


For Sign Up Contact:Esalen On Line Catalogue Link

Call us toll-free in the US: 1-888-8-ESALEN (888-837-2536). International callers may call our international toll free line: 703-342-0500.

Our reservation lines are open seven days a week, 9am - 7pm Pacific Standard Time.

For General Information or Inquiries

Call 831-667-3000 or email us at  Due to the high volume of inquiries we receive, please allow up to 72 hours for a reply.

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