Making Guidance Matter- October 2013 Weekend Workshop

Oct 19 2013 10:00 am
Oct 20 2013 5:00 pm
Jim Kepner & Carol DeSanto
Price: $295.00
Making Guidance Matter:
Working with guidance to grow our life, our hands-on work and our soul.
In our tradition ones relationship with Spirit, often referred to as guidance or inner teaching, is a fundamental partnership to bring the spiritual dimension into material life. This heals the gap between our lived life and our spiritual nature and actively grows us in our work, our energy, and in our consciousness.
Understanding the spiritual principles that govern this relationship, and applying these within the rich and dynamic energy field of the class strengthens this connection. We will practice through hands-on energy work, guided exercises, exercised guidance, mediations and other forms of healing and wisdom development. 

This workshop will include a healthy balance of information, experiential practice and hands-on energy work to enhance the dynamic flow between the physical and spiritual world. 

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