Pathways October Workshop- October 19th & 20th, 2024- HYBRID

Oct 19 2024 12:00 pm
Oct 20 2024 6:00 pm
Jim Kepner & Carol DeSanto
Price: $300.00

(12 noon EST-6pm EST)  both days.

In-Person Location: Carol's 5153 Meadow Wood Blvd, Lyndhurst Ohio 44124

Yes, we are doing this in "Hybrid" form. Our whole-field energy approach integrates working from local and nonlocal sides beautifully. 

Our Fall and Spring topical workshops teach applications of the Pathways Energy Approach to practical concerns for energy workers. Past workshops have taught topics such as: alleviating inflammation, working with the lymphatic system, clearing patterns in the nervous system, support for surgery protocals and many other skill and knowledge areas. Stay tuned for a particular topic.

In this two-day (12 noon EST-6pm EST) weekend workshop we will draw from from Pathways Energy Work including Nervous System Energy Work, the chakra system, utilizing the figure eight dynamic and and how to grow the capacity for a fuller spectrum of energy.

Through a Hybrid (Zoom + In-person) format we can integrate the expansive energy practice from distance work into in-person hands-on work.


Sessions will include demonstrations by Jim & Carol and breakout practice sessions with fellow participants. Jim & Carol develop a group field palpable even in a non-local format that extends and enhances your access to subtle energy.

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