Pathways Summer 2021 On-Line 3 Day Spiritual Retreat


Over the years we have usually had a summer residential retreat where we can focus on the spiritual dimension of our work. This was all disrupted by the pandemic, but disruption fosters innovation, right? This summer we are offering an online retreat geared to the same aims as our residential format- a spacious time to work together on spiritual development.

A retreat allows us the time and intensive work to richly develop the group energy field and deepen our personal practice. The Pathways approach works to amplify the spiritual energies and enhance our reception of spiritual guidance and develop our intuitive faculties.

You will learn:

  • the higher principles intrinsic to our work, 
  • guided meditations to expand your consciousness
  • remote energy practices in service of developing your "Inner Temple" 
  • sacred teachings and perspectives of your body and energy field
  • new teachings to understand the higher potential of all the chakras

This residential retreat workshop is open to everyone, new students as well as those experienced with Pathways for Healing work. Daily talks, meditation and practice sessions combine to make this retreat a very special experience.


Price: $450.00

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